2.7. Control basic information

1. Overview

Go to Engine Settings → MjE Status. This section provides statistic charts about your site activities such as the number of signups, posted mJobs, orders, profiles, and your revenue. You can see this overview on different time ranges: 2 weeks or all time. It will be a great tool for admin to track site content.

2.  General information

Go to Engine Settings → Theme Options → Users. Besides important general information, you can make other settings in this tab:

  • Signup introduction text: This text will appear on the signup form when someone registers a new account on your site.
  • Email confirmation: Enabling this option will require your users to confirm their emails to complete registration process.
  • Config Social Login API: Set up the way for your users to log in via their social network accounts.

3. URL Slug

Choose Engine Settings → Theme Options →SEO. This section allows you to insert the following slugs for your site.