3.4. Control member, payment, and withdrawal

1. Members

Where? Engine Settings  Member List. This section allows you to have an overview of the registered people.


You can view members on your site by date joined, order delivery or pending account (tick on the "Unconfirm" box to sort)

In the dropdown list on the top right, you can choose to see the users based on their roles or see all the users.

You can use the search bar to search for the user you want to see. 

2. Payment

Where? Engine settings → Package Purchases. You can manage all the payments for pricing plans made by the sellers.

Engine settings → Theme Options → Orders: You can manage all the payments for the orders made by the buyers.


  • All Purchases:

In this area, you can see all the payments from the sellers. You can filter by payment gateway and all payment status

  • All orders: 

You can see all the order payments from the buyers. You can choose to see payments by order status. For pending orders, you will accept or decline their payments in this tab. 

3. Withdrawal

Where? Engine Settings → Money Withdrawal. This is where you manage all withdrawal requests from users.

How? In the dropdown list on the top left, you can filter to see withdrawal by its status. You can use the search bar to search for specific withdrawal.