3.17. How to use MjE Crypto Payment


Bitcoin is a digital currency created back in January 2009. It follows the ideas set out in a whitepaper by the mysterious and pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. At the current time, Bitcoin has become the most valuable digital currency. The demand to use Bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies for payment has also increased greatly.

MjE Crypto, a plugin for MicrojobEngine, allows users to use Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash in order to place orders in the microjob marketplace.


It is very easy to activate Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash on your site.

Admin can go to Plugins > Add new > upload MjE Crypto and activate it.

Admin can go to Engine Settings > Payment Gateways > Choose Crypto tab

Enable Using Crypto option to activate Crypto Payment Gateway.

To use Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash on your site, you need to register a Blockonomics account. 


After you registered an account successfully, you can go to this page to get the API key and add a new store.

API key is used for both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Users can go to this page to get API Key:


Choose Store > Copy API Key:

Users can copy HTTP Callback URL from MjE Crypto Plugin to paste to HTTP Callback URL on Blockonomics .

Copy this URL:

Paste to here:

Users can go to this page to set up for Bitcoin Cash:


Do the same as Bitcoin , get HTTP Callback URL from MjE Crypto and paste to HTTP Callback URL on Blockonomics

Copy this URL:

Paste here:

Place an order with BTC/BCH

Payment Test

– Send a Bitcoin test payment: https://www.blockonomics.co/merchants#/logs

– Send a Bitcoin Cash test payment: https://bch.blockonomics.co/merchants#/page3

Try it out

You can visit the sign up page for MicrojobEngine to get the extension for your microjob marketplace now:
